A Family History ....

A Family History .... Pedigrees, pirates, horse thieves, heroes, hunters, merchants, patriots and preachers, farmers, soldiers, teachers and historians, artists and artisans -- the whole tree -- sturdy limbs, sweet sustaining fruit, bitter and wild berries, a few broken branches, a protective arbor and roots that have firmly held their ground for over 400 years.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Wolffs/Wolfes of Union Hill

After leaving the family homeplace near Bethania in current day Forsyth County, the first son born to Fredrick and Maria Kriger Wolff in Surry County was Henry Nathan (October 27, 1823).

Henry Nathan Wolfe had married Rachel Isaacs on 10 Feb 1845. The daughter of Joseph and Frances Norman Isaacs, Rachel was born 1 April 1823 and died 13 Jan 1914. She is buried in the Union Hill Cemetery with her husband Henry Nathan, who died 17 Oct 1897.

Henry Nathan was a miller, a carpenter, a coffin and cabinet maker, and general woodwright. Several pieces of his furniture still remain in the Wolfe family, especially a desk now owned by Jim Wolfe.

He also held several community leadership roles in his mountain community -- including service as a Justice of the Peace in 1862, membership in the military "Home Guard" to protect the "Little Mountain" district during the Civil War, and following the War, served as a County Commissioner.

Henry Nathan and Rachel's children were William Harrison (who like his father and grandfather, was also a fifer and served as such in the Civil War), Hilary Wingfield Wolfe, John Henry, Annette, Minda Elizabeth, Frances Louise and Elisha Kent Kane.


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